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Lobob Laboratories was founded by the late Dr. Robert M. Lohr.  Bob Lohr was originally a pharmacist and pharmaceutical chemist who owned Lohr's Pharmacy in Wenatchee, Washington.  Bob Lohr was an early wearer of PMMA lenses and could not keep them clean to his satisfaction. Experimenting with different combinations of ingredients he developed the Lobob Cleaner and went interstate with the product in 1964.


The Lobob Cleaner was different than anything on the market and was formulated to be safe to the eyes and adnexa if accidentally instilled in the eye. With the intitial success of the cleaner, he returned to school and received his Doctorate in Optometry from Pacific University.


Dr. Lohr personally tested the products on each new lens material as soon as they were available for fabrication. The Lobob Cleaner is still the superior product with all the new materials that have come on the market in the stable lens types.


It seems unlikely that a pharmacist/optometrist would also be a decorated combat veteran, but Bob was awarded the Silver Star for heroism during WW II. Using his Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), he helped to suppress an enemy breakthrough attempt. He also received five Bronze Stars, the Purple Heart, and the French Croix de Guerre avec Etoile Bronze. In addition, he received a Good Conduct Medal, which seems a bit unlikely when you read his remembrances about all the fun he had in the army. Someone should have made a movie about his life and times during WW II.





We are located in North San Jose, CA 

Lobob Laboratories, inc.

1440 Atteberry Lane

San Jose, CA 95131-1410


Can I walk in to purchase Lobob products?

Yes, preferably by appointment to ensure someone will be in the lobby to assist you as Lobob is not a retail storefront.

Please give us a call or e-mail us to set up an appointment to come in.

P: 1-800-835-6262


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